The serve for those of this house shall be creative and lovely but will follow the basics outlined here in these pages.





Basic Steps in the Serve

1) slip back a respectful distance, usually a distance of three paces, rise to feet and turn to servery.

2) Get a footed bowl/goblet/bottle from the shelf, polishing in our own servery should not be needed

3) go to firepit/cool box and get whatever drink you are serving

4) Stir the drink if in a copper kettle over the torvis, pull the bottle if in a bottle

5) Rise to feet, and leave the firepit.

6) Return to Master/Mistress with the bowl and kneel at their feet
            6a) if a bottled drink such as kalana or ta wine pull the cork fill the     
                  goblet and recork the bottle.

7) Ask if they wish their drink sweetened. * if they ask it tested do so but do NOT volunteer

10) Bring to lips, and kiss near the rim, turn in hands, lower head, and offer up to Master/Mistress.

11) Tell them what you are serving but keep the wordy stuff that makes you seem to beg a compliment to Zero. hoping they are pleased is a given for if they are not you likely will receive a correction. And if the drink displeases you likely will wear it.

Tips For Serving

When asked for blackwine, you will ask First or Seconds. The terms are easily remembered by this one clear fact.
ON GOR, the majority of Goreans drink their blackwine with cream and sugar, making it First preference. Blackwine with no cream or sugar is referred to as Seconds.
In the event they wish either cream or sugar, asking their preference allows them to state such.

Always test the temperature of any heated drink so the Master /Mistress do not get burnt by the drink.

If you have questions about a particular serve such as the horn serve of Torvald, whisper to the one you are serving. Most will understand the whisper even if they prefer no whispers.

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Training Foods        Training Serves
