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Drinks of Gor |
Blackwine | Earth coffee; expensive drink, also grown in the Thentis Mountains | Things You Need To Serve: Serving Tray (on the counter in servery); Blackwine Cup (shelves in the servery); Small Saucers of red and yellow sugars, and bosk (in the servery); Blackwine (in kettle at the firepit) |
Ka-la-na | a potent dry red or blush wine,( THERE IS NO WHITE KA-LA-NA ) made from ka-la-na fruit served warmed or room temperature | Things you need to serve: Goblet (found on shelves in servery); Bottle of ka-la-na (if chilled found in the cold box in the servery; if warmed found lined up on the hearth, warming before the fire in the firepit) |
Paga | a heady, distilled grain alcohol similar to whiskey, served warm in a footed bowl. Though some places were known to serve it in a goblet, usually it was done as a cruelty or punishment to the serving girl as most gobletts are thin or made of metal and conduct the heat very well. | Things You Need To Serve: Footed Bowl (found on shelf in
servery) Paga (found in the firepit, on hearth warming before the fire) |
Sul-Paga | alcoholic beverage made from suls (similar to potatos); akin to voldka, served in a footed bowl or bottle. Most often already made and bottled and set by the torvis to keep warm. | Things You Need To Serve: Footed bow (found on shelf in
servery); Bota of sul-paga (found in the firepit, on the hearth, warming before the fire) |
Mulled Ka-la-na | heated ka-la-na, with mulling spices, | Things You Need To Serve: Goblet (found on shelf in servery); Piece of ka-la-na fruit or tospit to garnish the cup (found in servery); Mulled Ka-la-na (found in kettle in the firepit) |
Ta-wine | dry wine made from grapes, served in a goblet at room temperature or chilled often mistakenly called white Kalana and should be served in place of any request for white kalana. | Things You Need To Serve: Goblet (found on shelf in
servery); Bottle of Ta-wine (found in servery) |
Kal-da | made with ka-la-na wine, mixed with citrus juices, and spiced, served hot in a bowl usually garnished with extra mulling spices and garnished with a slice of fresh larma (hot stinging spices, not sweet like in mulled ka-la-na) | Things You Need To Serve: Footed bowl (found on shelf in servery); kal-da (found in kettle in the firepit) |
Gorean Ale or Meade | closer to a honey lager than to ale or beer; gold in color; brewed from the grains of Gor; imported from Earth in early years | served in a tankard or a horn Things You Need To Serve: Tankard or Horn (found on shelf in servery); the drink usually in big barrels and tapped or the lid pryed off wooden barrels and horn dipped. |
Bazi Tea | an herbal beverage served hot, and heavily sugared, usually drank 3 tiny cups at a time in rapid succession. | Things You Need To Serve: Serving Tray (found on the counter in the
servery); 3 small bazi tea cups (found on shelf in servery); Saucers of red ( salt) and yellow sugars (found in
servery); Teapot (found on shelf in servery) ( training will be given individually ) |
Bosk Milk, Water, or Juice or any non alcoholic beverage: | Things You Need To Serve: Goblet (found on shelf in the servery); Pitcher of whatever it is (found in cold box in servery) |
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