Eve, younger sister to the brothers Craven and Bo, the oldest sister, but don't you dare ask how old. Stabelized in her 26 th season she will swear on her last breath she is younger than her brothers... all of them.
Once claimed by a man
of the caste. He and her mother trained her well in her calling to the blue. Alas
it was merely a ruse. He pretended feelings for her and lay claim to her in
torvald fashion. He being of Treve, then forced her away when her brothers were
at sea. Miserable and abused by he and his family she cunningly sweet talked him
into a shopping trip in Ar.
There he met his fate and her fathers and brothers blades ran red with his essence. They took her home and hiding her from prying eyes, have sheltered her ever since. Men who look her way best be ready to prove their worth as she is treasured greatly by her family.
The timid shy face always hidden from view of prying eyes under the veils now layered on her by her new homestone of Kar. Lush robes of deep blue velvet hide her form completely. And if asked she will lie and say she has fat ankles and warts. Her mind on her caste and the duties set before her.
Registered to the Gor
Wide Caste of Scribes, she loves her calling, often wearing a smudge of ink upon
a veiled cheek she is rarely without a quill or parchment to make notes upon.
Kept busy as the now official scribe to the RoSoG, her duties to both house and
ship registry keep her far too busy to be concerned with romantic pursuits. If
you doubt her ask her brothers.
With that she smirks softly beneath her veils, nods and then hurries through the streets away with guards in tow.